Sunday, April 24, 2016


Sterling Digital Invitation

Name              : Sterling Digital Invitation
Founders       :
1. Alice Lestari N.S
2. Anis Handayani
3. Gupitaningrum L.K.J
4. Ika Yunia W
5. Nimas Lingga P

Establish                                  : 2 March 2016

Office                                        : Jln. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Business area                        : Digital Invitation

Motto                                       : Your creative solution

The Philosophy of name   : Sterling means high quality. It is chosen because we hope we can make high quality products for our customers.

Vision                                      : Be a competence and professional company that will make the customers’ satisfaction as the priority

Missions                                  :
  • Dependable for the customers
  • Provide creative invitation
  • Give the best services among the others

The Organization Structure:

  1. Alice Lestari N.S as marketing
  2. Anis Handayani as  editor
  3. Gupitaningrum L.K.J as designer
  4. Ika Yunia Wardany as secretary
  5. Nimas Lingga P. as financial

  • Stop motion video

  •  Digital image

How to Get the Product:

The customer can get the product by contacting this CP:

  • LINE @nimaslingga
  • BBM 5D1CF62B
  • e-mail

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