Sunday, April 17, 2016

Baby Shower

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Hi guys

Does anyone ever think about what happened after marriage? Then, what is wanted most after becoming a couple? Yeah, that’s right. They want to have a baby. However, there is a little thing that should be remembered by a mom to be (young mother) before she has a baby. A young mother who will have her first child, usually hold a baby shower. What is baby shower? Anyone knows? And why should baby shower be held? I hope these can answer all question.

Well, baby shower is a little party held before a baby is born. It is usually held when a mom is on 7-9 months of pregnancy. The little party is made by closed- friends of the mom to be, her neighbors, or her family. It is used to celebrate, pray, and welcome the baby. Nevertheless, nowadays baby shower is made by the pregnant mother herself.

In a baby shower, there are some aspects which should be considered.  What are those?

1.    List of gifts

As a guest, we should obey the list of gifts from the mother pregnant. It is caused to prevent  same gift that is brought by the guests.

2.    Decoration

To make the baby shower runs well, we should consider about the decoration. The decoration should be matched with the theme. The theme is based on the will-born baby.
taken from this

   3.    Food

Don’t forget to serve some snacks, salty snacks and sweet snacks. It will make the conversation becomes interesting. it also make relax atmosphere to have a cheat chat.  

   4.    Game

To make the party not be boring, we can also make a little game. The game is designed for the guests. As the host, don’t forget to prepare a gift for the winner. It is must not expensive, it is just to make the game more fun.

The baby shower can be interesting based on a perfect preparation. It includes the invitation. The invitation should be matched with the theme of the party. So, we should also prepare the right invitation. But, don’t worry. If you wanna  make a unique, great, and wonderful invitation; we, sterling digital invitation, are really welcomed to help you making your dream comes true. You may choose what the theme you want, the design of printed or digital invitation. Just contact us on:

Line   : @nimaslingga
BBM   : 5D1CF62B
email :
Thank YOU :) 

Written by Alice L.N.S

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