Friday, April 08, 2016


Hi guys! How’s life? We hope you all in the best condition :D

Wedding is one of the most important things in our life. In wedding day, we certainly want to share this happiness. To share this wonderful moment we need to prepare a lot of things. Hey, but did you ever hear word bridesmaid? Did you know what is bridesmaid? Or who is actually bridesmaid? Or have you ever be a bridesmaid?

According to Wikipedia, The bridesmaids are members of the bride's party in a wedding. The bridesmaid is usually a young woman, and close with the bride. It is can be a close friend or even a sister and traditionally bridesmaid were chosen from unwed young women in marriageable age.
The number of bridesmaid usually depends on the bride’s request. But, the common number is around 6 or 7. The bridesmaid usually wears the same color dress or the same tone color—depends on the concept of the wedding party.
          So, that is definition of bridesmaid. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? Oh, or it is your time to choose your bridesmaid?  Which is meaning it is your time for your wedding?? Did you need help in your wedding invitation? Don’t worry! Contact us and we will solve your problem ;)

For further information, please contact us on :
BBM   : 5D1CF62B
Line   : @nimaslingga                                         


Have a great day and see you in our next post J

Nimas Lingga P

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