Sunday, April 24, 2016


Sterling Digital Invitation

Name              : Sterling Digital Invitation
Founders       :
1. Alice Lestari N.S
2. Anis Handayani
3. Gupitaningrum L.K.J
4. Ika Yunia W
5. Nimas Lingga P

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Baby Shower

taken from this
Hi guys

Does anyone ever think about what happened after marriage? Then, what is wanted most after becoming a couple? Yeah, that’s right. They want to have a baby. However, there is a little thing that should be remembered by a mom to be (young mother) before she has a baby. A young mother who will have her first child, usually hold a baby shower. What is baby shower? Anyone knows? And why should baby shower be held? I hope these can answer all question.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Engagement Party

the image came from this

Hi everyone! How’s life? We hope you all in the best condition :D

Wedding is someone special moment and we always want to celebrate it with our beloved family and friends. But, before the wedding the other special moment is the engagement. Most people usually also held the engagement party before the wedding party. So, what is the engagement? Why we need to hold the engagement party? And what we should prepare for the party?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Graduation party

The image comes from this.

Hello hay guys and girls! J
How’s life?
How did your national exam go? I hope it goes well

School is one of the best moments of our life. In school, we had experienced many different things such as friendship, loyalty, love and so on. The school life is ended when we had our national exam, especially for senior high school students. After done with the exam, we usually have much spare time. Some maybe get a job or others will be busy with college entrance. But, before we get to work or go to college, we want to cherish our memory with our high school friends, right? The school probably will make a farewell party for us, but it is usually so strict with school rules. To make a party more flexible and memorable, we can make our own graduation party, a party for cherishing our three-year friendship and celebrating our graduation as well with all our best friends.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


taken from here (credit to the owner)
Have you ever wondered about the history of an invitation? How were people designed and created it in the past?

In the past, an invitation was only used by elite people. Around 18th century, the aristocracy in England and France used the invitation for their social events. Kings, Queens, Ladies, Lords, Dukes, Duchesses would be the only one who used such a thing. They would send a hand written announcement of their events to their guests. Usually, the announcement would be written by a secretary or someone who has a beautiful handwriting. People in the past give more attention in calligraphy used in the invitation, because the calligraphy indicates the level of education of the writer.

Monday, April 11, 2016


taken from here (credit to the owner)

             Hello everybody, what’s up? We hope you all feeling well.

            In this nice occasion, we want to share you about wedding theme. For you who had a plan to married or just intermezzo to know more about wedding theme, check this out!

            We are agreeing that wedding is one of the most important things in our life, because of that, we always want to make our wedding party become an unforgettable moment. But, to make a great wedding party is not easy as be seen. There are many preparations that should be done, and the most important thing is to decide the theme of our wedding party.


Saturday, April 09, 2016

Pre-wedding Photo Tips

taken from this.
Wedding is scared event in everyone life, isn’t it? All of people dream to have a perfect wedding party. But before the wedding happened, you should make a lot of preparations such as budget, time, place, theme, food, invitation, etc. All of the preparations should be organized well, especially the invitation. Why? 

Friday, April 08, 2016


Hi guys! How’s life? We hope you all in the best condition :D

Wedding is one of the most important things in our life. In wedding day, we certainly want to share this happiness. To share this wonderful moment we need to prepare a lot of things. Hey, but did you ever hear word bridesmaid? Did you know what is bridesmaid? Or who is actually bridesmaid? Or have you ever be a bridesmaid?

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Refreshing and unique wedding gift ideas

This image comes from this.

When we are invited to a wedding party, we have to prepare some things to attend it. We have to match our schedule, prepare our dress, and also prepare the gift we will give to the bride and groom. In preparing or choosing the gift, we don’t have to spend much money to make it special. We can make the wedding gift cheap, unique, special and also easy to make for someone worthy to us. These are the ideas we can get inspire from to make the wedding gifts.

o   Pack up the ingredients for a romantic dinner for the two

Tuesday, April 05, 2016


the image got from this
           Wedding is one of the most important things in our life. To make it an unforgettable moment, We usually want to make a great wedding party. But, to make wedding party is not easy.  There are many preparations that should be done, starting from deciding the building for the reception, choosing wedding theme, wedding dress, food and beverage, and last but not least is to make a good wedding invitation.

Monday, April 04, 2016


credit to this

Hi everyone! How’s life? We hope you all in a good condition :)
Today we are back with a new article, it’s about wedding. Are you curious? Let’s check this out and happy reading :)


Talking about wedding, we all agree that wedding is one of the most precious moments in a person’s life, right? So, in this moment, we only want the perfection and the best one. We will put a lot of efforts to prepare the wedding. Then, what should we prepare for a wedding? 

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Kinds of Stop Motion

Hi guys! How’s life? We hope you all always in great condition

In our previous post, we posted about the stop motion definition, benefit, and the interesting of stop motion but does anyone know that stop motion has many kinds based on their object?
Now we will give a brief explanation about some kinds of stop motion.
1.      Cut out animation
Cut out animation used animated object that drawn or design in a paper then we cut it based on its shape and as background we can put it in flat area.