Monday, March 21, 2016


The image come from this

Birth day is one of the special days for a person. Most of people are happy when their birthday comes. They want to share their happiness with their family or their friends by celebrating a party. Of course we want our birthday party to become the best and memorable one, not only for us but also for our guests.  To achieve this goal, of course we need a good preparation. Then, what should we prepare for our birthday party? What are the birthday party supplies we need? 

In this article we would like to help you to make check lists about things that we should prepare to make a birthday party. Let’s check this out! 

1.       Birthday party theme
It is very important. First, you have to decide the theme of you birthday party.  It will help you to prepare the birthday supplies, for example, birthday invitation, dress code, cake, and souvenir/goodie bag, etc.
Usually the theme for kids’ birthday party is about their favourite cartoon. Teenager usually likes sport or their favourite musician or band as their birthday party theme.
Choose a theme that represents who you are, because this is your party, show the others the real you.
2.       Birthday party time
A birthday party isn’t always celebrating in the same date as our birthday. Make sure you choose a right time and date where your family and friends have free time to come to your party. It will be better if you separate your party time, first for your family and the second for your friends or colleagues.
3.       Make guests list
When you make a list about the guests that you’ll invite to your party, you also need to give attention to your birthday party’s place capacity.
            4.  All about birthday party supplies:
·         Birthday party decoration
     You have to make sure you party decoration is matched with your party theme.
·         Birthday cake
You can buy/cook a birthday cake that match with the party theme or you also can choose your favourite cake for your birthday party.
·         Dress code
You have to wear your best dress in your special occasion. It will be better if the dress is suitable with the theme.  You can also write the dress code in your birthday invitation, so your guests will wear matched dress with the birthday party theme.
·         Foods and beverages
You have to choose foods and beverages that are acceptable with most people.
It will be better if you prepare 10-20 portions more than total of your invitations.
·         Souvenir/goodie bag
It will be better if you express your thankfulness to your guests with souvenirs or goodie bags. You have to choose souvenirs that match with the party theme and will be useful for the guests.
·         Birthday party agenda
You have to set your party properly and interestingly, so the guests will be happy and your party gonna be a memorable one for them. If you are too busy or can’t set a party agenda, you can call an event organizer to help you. It will be more effective because you don’t need to spent much time and energy to set your party.

Well, that’s all the things that you should prepare for your birthday party. Hope it will be useful for you guys! Thank you so much for reading :)

Have a good day!

Best regards,
Sterling Digital Invitation Team


Need some inspirations for an epic birthday party invitation? Stay tune in our blog! :)

Gupitaningrum L. K. J.

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