Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What is Stop Motion?

Hi guys!
What is in your mind if I say “Stop Motion”? Do you think of Video? Booming? Trending topic or something else? This Several years, youngsters are shocked by stop motion arrival. So, does anybody know what stop motion is? I don't think all people know about stop motion. They just follow the trend. That’s why I wanna tell you about what stop motion is. Here we go.

First, I’ll tell you about the definition. The definition of stop motion, stop motion is an animation technique which manipulates some objects in order to the objects look moving independently. Every movement of the objects should be shoot, so, illusion of the movement can be displayed.
Another name of stop motion is clay motion. Anybody knows? It is because long time ago, stop motion usually uses clay objects to be moved. However, by the times, there are some other objects that can be used (almost real things can be used). So now, to make a stop motion we can use many things that we like and we need.
Do you know who the inventor (finder) of stop motion is? It is found by Stuart Blakton in 1906. But, why is stop motion booming nowadays? I think it is because in very beginning, stop motion is difficult to make. It also needs a lot of times. Nevertheless, after evolving technology, it is easier to create a stop motion. We just need a camera, application, supporting items, and the important one is patience & precision.
 So now, if you wanna make a stop motion, you can create by yourself. But, if you don’t have a lot of time, don’t know what should you do, what should be prepared, just contact us. We will make a great stop motion for you. What are you waiting for? It doesn’t take a lot of time. Don’t think so long! Just contact us on:
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BBM   : 5D1CF62B
Line   : @nimaslingga                                         

Best Regard,
Sterling digital invitation

Alice Lestari Nugraha Sari

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